All the while that I was "seeking God", I came to realize that it was God who had actually done the seeking. Seeking God implies that He wasn't there while I was trying to figure out who God was.
How great was His patience with me.
He knew my weaknesses, my pride and He knew the pace and path that I should take to come to the fullness of His Truth. Glory to God for all things.
I come from parents that wouldn't define themselves as Christian, nor would they define themselves as non-Christians. I was raised by liberal, non-practicing Catholics (doesn't that seem like a bit of an oxymoron?) that believed in tolerance of all things, "spirituality" and that salvation was gained by being a good person. I converted to Protestantism as a preteen after a brief experimentation with Atheism, Wicca and all sorts of other "spiritual" religions. Still, my soul was still not at rest. My spirit had been awakened and I was no longer satisfied with the easy answers that were being given to me. I wanted sincerity, the hard, honest truth and most of all I wanted to feel the Grace of God. My unworthy prayers were heard, and in His Great Mercy, God had lead me to Orthodoxy. I can only describe that discovery as the filling of my heart and a great exhale from my soul - as if I had been holding my breath for 26 years.
I most definitely am not an English major or a graduate of theology and I don't have any fancy qualifications that will ensure the quality of this blog (please don't grammar/spell check me and if you do I will only blame it on the failings of my generation!). These are just my sincere observations on what it means to be a Christian, a true follower of Christ, while wallowing in the toxic and morally declining environment that is our Western culture.